姓名 张扬 性别
民族 汉族 出生日期
职称 副教授 任职时间
政治面貌 中共党员 加入组织时间
党内外职务 任职时间
外语水平 研究生导师
硕导时间 博导时间
邮政编码 210094 电话
电子邮件 hfutzy@njust.edu.cn 手机 ***
单位 力学与工程科学系
通讯地址 南京市玄武区孝陵卫200号
研究方向 计算力学;复合材料力学;锂离子电池电极力学问题研究


2019年 英国斯旺西大学辛克维奇计算中心访问学者; 2019-2021 人社部“香江学者”




2007-2011 合肥工业大学; 2011-2016 中国科学技术大学; 2012-2016 中科大-香港城市大学联合培养;








江苏省力学学会信息化工作委员会委员; 江苏省力学学会计算力学专业委员会委员; 国际会议CMMM 2019, PC member


Composite Structures等10余个国际期刊审稿人




 1.  Yang Zhang, K. M. Liew*, David Hui, Characterizing nonlinear vibration behavior of bilayer graphene thin films, Composites Part B: Engineering, 145(2018)197-205.

2.  Yang Zhang, Gen Li, David Hui, K.M. Liew, Modeling the postbuckling behavior of thermal-resistant ultrathin films attached to glass substrate, Composite Structures, 206(2018) 279-287.

3.  Yang Zhang, Gen Li, K. M. Liew*, Thermomechanical buckling characteristic of ultrathin films based on nonlocal elasticity theory, Composites Part B: Engineering, 153(2018)184-193.

4.  Yang Zhang, L.W.Zhang*, K.M.Liew, J.L.Yu, Nonlocal continuum model for large deformation analysis of SLGSs using the kp-Ritz element-free method. International Journal of Non-LinearMechanics, 79(2016)1-9.

5.  Yang Zhang, L.W.Zhang, K.M.Liew*, J.L.Yu, Free vibration analysis of bilayer graphene sheets subjected to in-plane magnetic fields. Composite structures, 144(2016)86-95.

6.  Yang Zhang, L.W.Zhang, K.M.Liew*, J.L.Yu, Buckling analysis of graphene sheets embedded in an elastic medium based on the kp-Ritz method and non-local elasticity theory. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 70(2016)31-39.

7.  Yang Zhang, L.W.Zhang, K.M.Liew*, J.L.Yu, Transient analysis of single-layered graphene sheet using the kp-Ritz method and nonlocal elasticity theory. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 258 (2015) 489-501.

8.  Yang Zhang, Z.X.Lei, L.W.Zhang, K.M.Liew*, J.L.Yu, Nonlocal continuum model for vibration of single-layered graphene sheets based on the element-free kp-Ritz method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 56(2015)90-97.

9.  Ruiyu Chen*, Quanwei Li,Yang Zhang, Xiaokang Xu, Dongdong Zhang, Pyrolysis kinetics and mechanism of typical industrial non-tyre rubber wastes by peak-differentiating analysis and multi kinetics methods, 235( 2019) 1224-1237.

10.  Zhengtian Wu*, Yang Zhang, Fuyuan Hu, Qing Gao, Xinyin Xu, Ronghao Zheng, Vibration Analysis of Bilayered Graphene Sheets for Building Materials in Thermal Environments Based on the Element-Free Method, Journal of Nanomaterials,16(2018)1-14.

 11.  Yun Qiu, Yang Zhang, A.S. Ademiloye, Zhengtian Wu, Molecular dynamics simulations of single-layer and rotated double-layer graphene sheets under a high velocity impact by fullerene, Computational Materials Science, 2020.

 12.  Yang Zhang, Zhenxing Zhu, Diffusion stress modelling of micro hollow spherical shell electrode, The Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 108(2020)499-504.

 13.  Xuepeng Liu, Youlin Wu, Guofeng Li, Yang Zhang, Hua Zhai, Structural evolution and fusion behavior of gold supercrystals under stress: insights from atomistic simulations, Journal of Applied Physics 128(2020).

 14Shuai Luo, A.S. Ademiloye, Zhengtian Wu, Yang Zhang*, Molecular hierarchical release using hydrogenated graphene origami under electric field, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 131 (2021) 105844.

 15.  Yang Zhang, Yun Qiu, Fuzhou Niu, A.S. Ademiloye*, Molecular dynamics simulation of perforation of graphene under impact by fullerene projectiles, Materials Today Communications 31(2022)103642.


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